Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where does the product come from?
A: Our products are premium 1:1 replicas, of international origin and can be shipped from Asia or Europe.
Q: How long does it take for products to arrive?
A: Delivery times may vary depending on the supplier and the destination. Generally, products take around 10 business days to be delivered to your address. If the order contains more than one item, our team may separate them into different packages for logistical reasons, but they all follow the same delivery time.
Q: Do the products have a warranty?
A: All of our products are guaranteed against manufacturing defects. If a manufacturing defect is found, we will refund your money or make the amount available for purchases on the website, upon sending the defective part to our team (shipping costs covered by us).
Q: How can I track the status of my order?
A: After your product is shipped, you will receive a tracking code that you can use to track the delivery of your order. This code can be entered on the website of the carrier or postal service used to obtain updated information on the status of your delivery.
Q: Can I purchase more than one product?
A: You can buy as many products as you want. Our logistics team can separate the items into more than one package, but the delivery time is the same for all items in the purchase.